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Renee is a gifted practitioner who has been serving in the healing industry her entire adult life. Entering with a consciousness transformation technique when she was just 19, and moving eventually into Sound Healing after meeting a world renowned Didjeridoo Player in Calgary. The first time Renee heard and saw the Didjeridoo used in healing, she was learning to play. From awkward sounds in a PVC pipe to an embodied movement of sound, and an access to transformation, Renee has been using sound to heal for over 15 years. Renee believes that we are ALL medicine, and she lives and works by the words “Be the Medicine”. Through her journey with yoga, movement, body work, and sound, Renee is a practitioner who encourages us to “dance in-between the rhythm” - to stop following and start RISING. Renee is a very well trained Medicine Wheel, and Ancestral Healing Practitioner, and has connected deeply with the land at Ucluelet, BC, where she lives with her young son. Renee is an access to our greatest dreams, and a conversation gateway to our Heart, our Purpose, and our Passion. Renee embodies the way to living on purpose, in deep alignment, devotion and servitude. She is currently running a bustling B&B at Rise Retreat, hosting healing sessions and workshops year-round. Renee is a unique spirit who bravely connects deeply with her clients, other practitioners, and the Elders around her with deep respect for creation, care, and community.

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